Kev's Genealogy 101

by Kevin Killion

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It's truly amazing how much info can be uncovered nowadays when tracing a family history. It can be quite a fun adventure, and very educational. It can even be an interesting and worthwhile experience just to learn how to get and use public records and library services in pursuit of this goal.

I'm certainly not an expert, and I have a lot to learn. But perhaps a few of these tips from my research so far might be useful to someone else.

The Basic Sources

Family Lore

Birth and Marriage Certificates

Death Certificates

Newspaper Obituaries

Federal and State Censuses

Church Records

Social Security Death Index

Cemetery Records

Your Local Public Library

Using the Mormon Libraries

Siblings and Descendents

Irish Records

Free Online Databases

Final Thoughts

This page was prepared by Kevin C. Killion

I'd very much welcome your comments -- send me a message at

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